June 25, 2022
While the moon hovers in Taurus until early evening on Saturday, you could (and should!) plan a rejuvenating adventure for yourself without worrying about what anyone else wants to do. Bike to a cute town and peruse the bookstores, then start reading your latest find on a bench by a duck pond. Or drive to the nearest spot where you can go rock-climbing and stop at every lemonade stand, antiques store and taco truck on the way home. Your only guideline: Design your day around YOUR mood. Come Sunday, do your best to stay in the moment when the visceral moon aligns with pleasure-seeking Venus in your second house of earthly delights. Your five senses are heightened, so indulge away! Enjoy the mood-boosting sight and scent of fresh peonies while listening to your summer playlist. On the romance front, opt for straight-up sensuality like eating chocolate-covered strawberries while sipping champagne and wearing something silky that feels incredible against your skin. Even if you don’t have a rendezvous, you’ll have a delectable experience.
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