new girl

new girl

I always need a pick-me-up near the end of the week, so today I’d love to ask: what romantic scenes do you like in movies or TV shows? Here are six that get me…

In Before Sunrise, Celine and Jesse re-enact how they would tell their friends about their spontaneous stop in Vienna. The way Jesse plays along with his boyish mannerisms (and how he winces when she calls his hair greasy!) melts my heart.

Watching Bend it Like Beckham at age 13, I was thrilled to see Jess, a woman of color, win over Joe, the dreamy guy that all the teammates have crushes on. But I was even more thrilled by seeing her turn down Joe to go after her dream of starting a soccer career.

The chemistry in this New Girl first kiss scene! The lingering in front of the bedroom doors! The smaller final kiss! How he leaves Jess just standing there floored!

Schitt’s Creek’s David and Peter win “Best TV Proposal,” hands down. The warble in Peter’s voice during his speech makes me tear up every time. Also, David wearing that sweater for a hike and his line: “I didn’t carry you up a mountain to not eat cheese after.”

This I-want-you-back monologue in Always Be My Maybe includes the question every partner wants to hear.

And, finally, every time Westley says “As you wish” in Princess Bride.

What scenes do you love in romantic movies and TV shows? Please drop all the sweet and pulse-racing details below.

P.S. The best shows to watch as a couple and our favorite comedy scenes.