June 25, 2022
If you’re on the fence about something, the right companion can offer up an enlightening take that will help you to sort through this sitch. On the other hand, with the moon lingering in your balance province all day Saturday, if you hang with someone whose perspective is too close to yours, you could find yourself vacillating even more. Listen to a totally fresh POV, even if it’s in the form of a lively debate. This feedback can point out the strengths of your plan as well as the holes that need to be filled. When the sensitive moon spoons amorous Venus in your intense eighth house on Sunday, only the deepest subjects—and people—will hold your interest. Shallow flirts need not apply! In case they’re tempted to try, be crystal clear about what you want and put it out there in no uncertain terms. Maybe you’ll turn down a hot fling, but think of the payoff: soulful connection. Yes, please!
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