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Guiding Your Adult Children in Parenthood


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As seasoned parents who have weathered the storms and reveled in the joys of raising children, we find ourselves positioned to impart the wisdom garnered through our journey. Our role as experienced parents goes beyond mere advice; it includes a nurturing presence, a beacon of support, and a wellspring of shared experiences. 

It also includes teaching and guiding them in matters of faith and righteous living. 

Deuteronomy 6:6-7 says, “And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.” Responsible parenthood involves the consistent and intentional transmission of values throughout various aspects of daily life.

In building responsible parenthood in our adult children, our experiences become the compass that guides them, nurturing a legacy of love, resilience, and unwavering commitment to the sacred duty of parenting.

The Changing Dynamics

As we go through parenting, a significant shift occurs when our children transition into adulthood and take on the profound responsibility of parenthood. This demands a subtle yet crucial recognition: our role evolves from being the primary caretaker to becoming a steadfast supporter and guide. 

This transition is not a relinquishment of our responsibility but a metamorphosis into a role that seamlessly integrates our wisdom and support into our adult children’s parenting journey. It’s a paradigm shift that calls for a delicate balance between offering guidance and allowing them the autonomy to shape their unique parenting paths.

The journey of guiding adult children into parenthood is a significant expedition marked by challenges and successes. The challenges are many, from navigating the complexities of modern parenting philosophies to addressing the ever-changing landscape of societal expectations. 

Yet, intertwined with these challenges are the joys of witnessing the growth of a new family, the triumphs of overcoming obstacles, and the shared moments of laughter and love. 

Practical Tips for Guiding Adult Children in Parenthood

Navigating the intricate path of guiding our adult children in their journey of parenthood requires a thoughtful and supportive approach. Here are some practical tips that can serve as guiding lights in this meaningful endeavor:

1. Allow open dialogue on parenting philosophies. 

Encourage an environment where open dialogue thrives. Recognize that each family is unique, with its own set of values, traditions, and dynamics. Emphasize the importance of adapting advice to suit their family structure. This promotes a sense of flexibility and respect for diverse approaches to parenting, allowing for more personalized and effective guidance.

2. Encourage a supportive environment.

Create an atmosphere where your availability for advice is evident, yet it remains non-intrusive. Offer your wisdom as a resource rather than an imposition, creating a space where your adult children feel comfortable seeking guidance when needed, knowing it comes from a place of genuine support rather than judgment.

Strike a delicate balance between providing support and allowing autonomy. While your experience can offer valuable insights, respect the independence of your adult children in making their parenting decisions. This balance ensures they feel empowered to navigate their unique journey while benefiting from your wisdom.

3. Emphasize the value of learning from mistakes.

Make your adult children acknowledge the inherent challenges that come with parenthood. Engage them in candid conversations about the realities of parenting, sharing your own experiences of overcoming difficulties. This openness sets the stage for a realistic understanding of the journey, preparing them for the joys and tribulations that come with raising a family.

Instill in them the understanding that mistakes are inherent in any journey, including parenthood. Encourage resilience by emphasizing the importance of learning and growing through experiences. Share stories of how challenges, when approached with resilience, can become stepping stones to personal and familial growth. This will ultimately create in them a mindset that views setbacks as opportunities for development.

4. Embrace continuous learning and adaptability.

Advocate for a culture of continuous learning within the family. Encourage reading, attending parenting workshops, and staying informed about evolving parenting trends. This commitment to ongoing education will enrich their collective knowledge base and promote an environment where growth and adaptability are valued.

Remind your adult children that parenting is an ever-evolving journey. Teach them to cultivate flexibility in their approaches, emphasizing the importance of adapting strategies based on the changing needs of their children and the evolving dynamics of family life. This adaptability ensures a dynamic and responsive parenting style that aligns with the evolving nature of family dynamics.

5. Nurture connection through quality time.

Recognize the importance of spending quality time with both your grandchildren and adult children. Nurturing familial bonds through shared experiences creates a foundation of trust and mutual understanding. Whether it’s through family outings, dinners, or simple gatherings, quality time fosters a connection that goes beyond the realm of advice, reinforcing the familial support system.

Encourage the establishment of family traditions and rituals. These contribute to a sense of identity continuity and provide a framework for building lasting memories. Shared traditions create a sense of stability and belonging, becoming touchpoints that strengthen the family unit.

6. Instill the importance of self-care.

Remind adult children of the significance of self-care amidst the demands of parenthood. Encourage the cultivation of personal well-being through practices such as mindfulness, exercise, and adequate rest. Emphasize that a nurtured caregiver is better equipped to provide effective and compassionate parenting.

Lead by example in prioritizing self-care. Demonstrate the value of balance by showcasing your commitment to maintaining your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. This serves as a powerful illustration of the positive impact that self-care can have on both the individual and the family unit.

7. Leverage technology for support.

Introduce the benefits of leveraging technology to access parenting resources. There is a plethora of parenting apps and online communities that provide valuable insights, parenting tips, and a sense of community. Guide them toward reliable platforms that align with their parenting philosophies.

Highlight the potential of virtual support networks. In the digital age, connecting with other parents through online forums and social media can offer a sense of camaraderie. Encourage the exploration of these platforms for shared experiences, advice, and a sense of community.

8. Encourage intergenerational wisdom-sharing.

Create opportunities for intergenerational conversations within the family. Encourage the sharing of parenting experiences not only between you and your adult children but also among different generations. This exchange of wisdom fosters a rich collection of insights, blending traditional values with contemporary perspectives.

Emphasize the importance of valuing the wisdom of elders, including grandparents and great-grandparents. Their experiences, often rooted in a different era, can provide unique perspectives on parenting that enrich the family narrative. Facilitate avenues for these individuals to share their stories and insights with the younger generations.

The goal here is to create a holistic framework that encompasses not only practical parenting advice but also nurtures the emotional, spiritual, and social dimensions of the familial journey. Each of these tips serves as guidance and support for your adult children as they navigate the terrain of parenthood.

Nurturing a Legacy of Responsible Parenthood

We must also imbibe in them the fortitude to adhere to responsible parenting. The seeds of responsible parenting, sown with intentionality and care, possess the transformative power to shape not just the character of our own children but to imprint upon the collective consciousness of our descendants a legacy woven with threads of empathy, resilience, and unwavering commitment to the well-being of the familial unit.

It is a recognition that the actions and choices we make in guiding our adult children today reflect into the future, influencing the ethos of families yet unborn. In understanding this, the weight of our role as stewards of responsible parenthood takes on a higher significance—a sacred duty that transcends the boundaries of our immediate familial space.

We must, however, implore not only the wisdom garnered from our own experiences but also advocate for a commitment to continuous learning and growth—a commitment that stands as a beacon, illuminating the path toward an ever-evolving understanding of the intricacies of parenthood. 

This commitment to learning is not confined to the academic realm but extends into the heart of familial interactions, where each interaction becomes a lesson, each challenge an opportunity for growth, and each joy a testament to the rewards of resilient and responsible parenting.

Why It’s Important to Raise Responsible Parent 

Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” This highlights the impact of early guidance and the responsibility of parents to instill values that withstand the tests of adulthood and parenthood.

The need for parental guidance during the transition to adulthood and parenthood is even more apparent in the modern era, which is characterized by quick changes in society and shifting family dynamics. The Apostle Paul’s counsel in Ephesians 6:4 reinforces this need, urging fathers to “bring [their children] up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” The call to nurture and admonish implies an active and intentional role in guiding our adult children, not just in their spiritual journey but also in the practical aspects of parenthood.

The challenges of contemporary society, with its myriad distractions and shifting cultural landscapes, make the role of parental guidance indispensable. As adult children journey through the complexities of parenthood, they encounter a barrage of influences that may not align with godly principles. Therefore, providing them with guidance firmly rooted in the unchanging Word of God becomes a compass, directing them through the stormy seas of conflicting ideologies and societal norms.

Consider the example of Timothy in the New Testament, whose faith was nurtured and strengthened by the guidance of his mother Eunice and grandmother Lois (2 Timothy 1:5). This intergenerational transmission of faith and wisdom exemplifies the lasting impact of parental guidance on the spiritual heritage of families.

Guiding adult children into parenthood is not only about imparting rules but also about modeling a Christ-centered life. The words of Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:1 say, “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.” As parents, our lives become living epistles, and our guidance serves as a roadmap for our adult children to follow in the footsteps of Christ in their journey of parenthood.

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/DGLimages

Emmanuel Abimbola headshotEmmanuel Abimbola is a creative freelance writer, blogger, and web designer. He is a devout Christian with an uncompromising faith who hails from Ondo State in Nigeria, West Africa. As a lover of kids, Emmanuel runs a small elementary school in Arigidi, Nigeria.

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