June 25, 2022
You often prefer the company of your inner circle over an extended crew of acquaintances, but with the moon traipsing through your group province until early Saturday evening, you’ll see the appeal of stretching your boundaries. Seeking out a broader swath of humanity will provide you with interactions you wouldn’t usually have. Keep it moving when you’re out socializing so you don’t get sucked into long talks with a couple of familiar people. And make a point of hanging while the sun is up, since the moon’s arrival in Gemini and your low-key twelfth house will coincide with a dip in your energy reserves. Thanks to Sunday’s moon-Venus rendezvous, you won’t have any trouble unwinding. You might happen upon joys you weren’t banking on if you give up control and let someone else take the helm. Or simply go with the flow and let the universe work its magic. Start small by allowing your bae to pick the restaurant for brunch. Once you’ve acclimated to that level of surrender, make the leap to releasing an unhealthy habit—or person. You can do it, Crab. Unclench those claws and see how good it feels.
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