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HomeNewsAquarius Weekly Horoscope

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope


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WEEK OF June 20 – 2 6, 2022

Give your body some love, Aquarius! This Tuesday, June 21 marks the summer solstice as the Sun swings into Cancer and your sixth house of wellness until July 22. Let the longest day of light illuminate habits that could use a healthy update. Since your sign is naturally sporty, you might jump into a summer pickleball league or cultivate your yoga practice on a stand-up paddleboard! Add more plant-based food to your plate, and if you’ve been low energy, schedule a doctor’s appointment to have all your blood levels checked. You may need to take a natural supplement or do an elimination diet to reboot your system.

At work, influential eyes will be clocking your progress. Make it your mission to impress with your diligence and common sense. Simplify your systems and create more space to breathe—or do a weekly work-from-beach day without an ounce of guilt! But do check yourself if you’re picking up too much slack. The sixth house rules service and, with the Sun here, giving feels great…until you turn into the office martyr. Don’t slip into that trap, Aquarius. Set healthy boundaries and prioritize your downtime as much as your moments on the clock. That’s how you’ll keep productivity flowing.

Besides, you’ve got summer lovin’ to attend to! Starting this Wednesday, June 22, Venus floats into Gemini, setting off sparks in your fifth house of amour until July 17. This annual, three-week spell is romantic high season for Aquarians who are willing to put themselves out there and pursue with intent. Whether that means swiping on some intriguing prospects or taking the reins on baecation planning, raise the stakes. Novelty produces dopamine, which, in turn, lights up your sensual circuitry. Dress in clothes that make you feel sexy AND feel great against your skin. Meet at different restaurants and wait for the table with the gorgeous view.

Don’t shy away from bigger topics about your shared life plans. Marriage and babies, building an empire together, taking an overseas trip—only you know what lights you up, Aquarius, and now’s the time to bring it up in a playful way. Not that you have to rush into anything, but the “what-if” conversations could actually be exciting. This fertile Venus cycle may also find you birthing a creative idea or an amazing work of art. Stay in tune with the muse!

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