Wood mites are not considered dangerous or toxic. An infestation is unsightly and annoying. Some people have allergic reactions to the tiny hairs and skin that wood mites shed. Symptoms are similar to those caused by dust mites–including itching, skin redness, and respiratory issues. Wood mites are more difficult to spot than to eliminate.
What Are Wood Mites?
Wood mites are tiny (less than 1/16 inch long) and white–almost translucent–and are bugs related to spiders and ticks. Individual mites are difficult to spot but gather in groups that look like white spots. Wood mites are attracted to damp wood where they feed on cellulose, dead insects, and mold.
Identifying Wood Mite Infestations
Wood mites do not cause major structural problems but over time they damage furniture and other wood items. Their size makes them difficult to spot but here are some signs that may indicate mite infestations.
- Dust-Like Particles. May be mite feces and/or shed skin on wood surfaces.
- White Or Brown Specks. May actually be wood mites. You need a magnifying glass to be sure. They move very slowly.
- Wood Damage. Mites do very little damage to wood surfaces but seeing them may indicate rot or mold.
- Presence Of Mold. Mold grows on moist wood surfaces. Wood mites eat mold so they may be present on any mold growing in the house.
- Allergic Reactions. Unexplained allergic reactions may be caused by wood mite feces and shed skin.
DIY Ways To Get Rid Of Wood Mites
You can get rid of wood mites using inexpensive common household products. Before applying any of the following products, do a deep clean of the area, room, or house. Vacuum all floors, carpets, mattresses, and furniture. Pay special attention to floor/baseboard junctions, under rugs, and furniture.
Heat and hot water kill wood mites in all phases of their life cycle–eggs, larvae, and adults. Wash linens, pillows, and blankets in hot water and dry on the hottest settings that are safe for the material. Mop hard floors clean with very hot water and cleaner.
- Diatomaceous Earth. Sprinkle on areas infested with wood mites. The sharp edges cut the bug’s exoskeleton and dehydrate them. Use food-grade diatomaceous earth to keep kids and pets safe.
- Baking Soda. Sprinkle baking soda on the moist wood areas. It is a natural dehydrator that dries out the wood, bugs, and their eggs.
- Boric Acid Powder. Boric acid is a natural insecticide that kills wood mites. Sprinkle the powder on infected areas–concentrating on food sources like damp wood or mold.
- Apple Cider Vinegar. Dilute apple cider vinegar with an equal amount of water and spray it on the affected area. The acid in the vinegar kills the mites and keeps them from returning.
- Essential Oils. Mix one teaspoon of tea tree, eucalyptus, clove, rosemary, or peppermint essential oil with one cup of water. Spray it on mite-infested areas every few days until the bugs are gone. Essential oils kill mites and eggs on contact.
- Hot Water. Wash small wood items in hot water to kill wood mites and eggs.
- Anti-Mite Insecticide. Available online, from garden stores, and home improvement outlets. Clean the area well and follow package application directions.