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Governing data products using fitness functions


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The key idea behind data mesh is to improve data management in large
organizations by decentralizing ownership of analytical data. Instead of a
central team managing all analytical data, smaller autonomous domain-aligned
teams own their respective data products. This setup allows for these teams
to be responsive to evolving business needs and effectively apply their
domain knowledge towards data driven decision making.

Having smaller autonomous teams presents different sets of governance
challenges compared to having a central team managing all of analytical data
in a central data platform. Traditional ways of enforcing governance rules
using data stewards work against the idea of autonomous teams and do not
scale in a distributed setup. Hence with the data mesh approach, the emphasis
is to use automation to enforce governance rules. In this article we’ll
examine how to use the concept of fitness functions to enforce governance
rules on data products in a data mesh.

This is particularly important to ensure that the data products meet a
minimum governance standard which in turn is crucial for their
interoperability and the network effects that data mesh promises.

Data product as an architectural quantum of the mesh

The term “data product“ has
unfortunately taken on various self-serving meanings, and fully
disambiguating them could warrant a separate article. However, this
highlights the need for organizations to strive for a common internal
definition, and that’s where governance plays a crucial role.

For the purposes of this discussion let’s agree on the definition of a
data product as an architectural quantum
of data mesh. Simply put, it’s a self-contained, deployable, and valuable
way to work with data. The concept applies the proven mindset and
methodologies of software product development to the data space.

In modern software development, we decompose software systems into
easily composable units, ensuring they are discoverable, maintainable, and
have committed service level objectives (SLOs). Similarly, a data product
is the smallest valuable unit of analytical data, sourced from data
streams, operational systems, or other external sources and also other
data products, packaged specifically in a way to deliver meaningful
business value. It includes all the necessary machinery to efficiently
achieve its stated goal using automation.

What are architectural fitness functions

As described in the book Building Evolutionary
a fitness function is a test that is used to evaluate how close a given
implementation is to its stated design objectives.

By using fitness functions, we’re aiming to
“shift left” on governance, meaning we
identify potential governance issues earlier in the timeline of
the software value stream. This empowers teams to address these issues
proactively rather than waiting for them to be caught upon inspections.

With fitness functions, we prioritize :

  • Governance by rule over Governance by inspection.
  • Empowering teams to discover problems over Independent
  • Continuous governance over Dedicated audit phase

Since data products are the key building blocks of the data mesh
architecture, ensuring that they meet certain architectural
characteristics is paramount. It’s a common practice to have an
organization wide data catalog to index these data products, they
typically contain rich metadata about all published data products. Let’s
see how we can leverage all this metadata to verify architectural
characteristics of a data product using fitness functions.

Architectural characteristics of a Data Product

In her book Data Mesh: Delivering Data-Driven Value at

Zhamak lays out a few important architectural characteristics of a data
product. Let’s design simple assertions that can verify these
characteristics. Later, we can automate these assertions to run against
each data product in the mesh.


Assert that using a name in a keyword search in the catalog or a data
product marketplace surfaces the data product in top-n


Assert that the data product is accessible via a unique

Self Descriptiveness

Assert that the data product has a proper English description explaining
its purpose

Assert for existence of meaningful field-level descriptions.


Assert that access to the data product is blocked for
unauthorized users.


Assert for existence of business keys, e.g.
customer_id, product_id.

Assert that the data product supplies data via locally agreed and
standardized data formats like CSV, Parquet etc.

Assert for compliance with metadata registry standards such as
“ISO/IEC 11179”


Assert for existence of published SLOs and SLIs

Asserts that adherence to SLOs is good

Valuable on its own

Assert – based on the data product name, description and domain
name –
that the data product represents a cohesive information concept in its

Natively Accessible

Assert that the data product supports output ports tailored for key
personas, e.g. REST API output port for developers, SQL output port
for data analysts.


Most of the tests described above (except for the discoverability test)
can be run on the metadata of the data product which is stored in the
catalog. Let’s look at some implementation options.

Running assertions within the catalog

Modern day data catalogs like Collibra and Datahub provide hooks using
which we can run custom logic. For eg. Collibra has a feature called workflows
and Datahub has a feature called Metadata
where one can execute these assertions on the metadata of the
data product.

Figure 1: Running assertions using custom hooks

In a recent implementation of data mesh where we used Collibra as the
catalog, we implemented a custom business asset called “Data Product”
that made it straightforward to fetch all data assets of type “data
product” and run assertions on them using workflows.

Running assertions outside the catalog

Not all catalogs provide hooks to run custom logic. Even when they
do, it can be severely restrictive. We might not be able to use our
favorite testing libraries and frameworks for assertions. In such cases,
we can pull the metadata from the catalog using an API and run the
assertions outside the catalog in a separate process.

Figure 2: Using catalog APIs to retrieve data product metadata
and run assertions in a separate process

Let’s consider a basic example. As part of the fitness functions for
Trustworthiness, we want to ensure that the data product includes
published service level objectives (SLOs). To achieve this, we can query
the catalog using a REST API. Assuming the response is in JSON format,
we can use any JSON path library to verify the existence of the relevant
fields for SLOs.

import json
from jsonpath_ng import parse

illustrative_get_dataproduct_response = '''{
  "entity": {
    "urn": "urn:li:dataProduct:marketing_customer360",
    "type": "DATA_PRODUCT",
    "aspects": {
      "dataProductProperties": {
        "name": "Marketing Customer 360",
        "description": "Comprehensive view of customer data for marketing.",
        "domain": "urn:li:domain:marketing",
        "owners": [
            "owner": "urn:li:corpuser:jdoe",
            "type": "DATAOWNER"
        "uri": ""
      "dataProductSLOs": {
        "slos": [
            "name": "Completeness",
            "description": "Row count consistency between deployments",
            "target": 0.95

def test_existence_of_service_level_objectives():
    response = json.loads(illustrative_get_dataproduct_response)
    jsonpath_expr = parse('$.entity.aspects.dataProductSLOs.slos')
    matches = jsonpath_expr.find(response)

    data_product_name = parse('$').find(response)[0].value

    assert matches, "Service Level Objectives are missing for data product : " + data_product_name
    assert matches[0].value, "Service Level Objectives are missing for data product : " + data_product_name

Using LLMs to interpret metadata

Many of the tests described above involve interpreting data product
metadata like field and job descriptions and assessing their fitness, we
believe Large Language Models (LLMs) are well-suited for this task.

Let’s take one of the trickier fitness tests, the test for valuable
on its own
and explore how to implement it. A similar approach can be
used for the self descriptiveness fitness test and the
interoperability fitness
test for compliance with metadata registry standards.

I will use the Function calling feature of OpenAI models to
extract structured output from the evaluations. For simplicity, I
performed these evaluations using the OpenAI Playground with GPT-4 as
our model. The same results can be achieved using their API. Once you
have structured output from a large language model (LLM) in JSON format,
you can write assertions similar to those described above.

System Prompt

You are a data product evaluator. Your job is to look at the meta data
about a data product provided and evaluate if certain architectural
properties of the data product holds true or not.



  "name": "get_data_product_fitness",
  "description": "Determine if data product is fit for purpose",
  "strict": false,
  "parameters": {
    "type": "object",
    "required": [],
    "properties": {
      "valuable_on_its_own": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
          "is_fit": {
            "type": "boolean",
            "description": "True if the data product is valuable on it's own, false otherwise"
          "reason": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "Reason why the data product is valuable on it's own or not"
        "description": "Determines if data product represents a cohesive
                        information concept in its domain. Has value on its own
                        and can be used independent of other data products"

We can then send the data product metadata to the LLM to evaluate
them. Here’s a couple of results.

Customer data product: We expect this data product to pass the test
for valuable_on_its_own

  "entity": {
    "urn": "urn:li:dataProduct:marketing_customer360",
    "type": "DATA_PRODUCT",
    "aspects": {
      "dataProductProperties": {
        "name": "Marketing Customer 360",
        "description": "Comprehensive view of customer data for marketing.",
        "domain": "urn:li:domain:marketing"

  "valuable_on_its_own": {
    "is_fit": true,
    "reason": "The 'Marketing Customer 360' data product presumably provides a
               comprehensive view of customer data, which is valuable for marketing
               purposes. It could offer insights into customer behaviors, preferences,
               and engagement with marketing campaigns, all of which can be used to
               improve marketing strategies."

Product_Id data product: We expect this data product to fail the
test for valuable_on_its_own. As product id needs to be always joined
with product or customer to have any use.

  "entity": {
    "urn": "urn:li:dataProduct:product_id",
    "type": "DATA_PRODUCT",
    "aspects": {
      "dataProductProperties": {
        "name": "Product_Id",
        "description": "Table representing product ids per customer",
        "domain": "urn:li:domain:marketing"

  "valuable_on_its_own": {
    "is_fit": false,
    "reason": "The 'Product_Id' data product may not be valuable on its own. It simply
               represents product ids per customer and lacks contextual information
               about what those products are. For it to be meaningful, it would
               likely need to be used in conjunction with other data products that
               provide details about the products themselves."

Publishing the results

Once we have the results of the assertions, we can display them on a
dashboard. Tools like Dashing and
Dash are well-suited for creating lightweight
dashboards. Additionally, some data catalogs offer the capability to build custom dashboards as well.

Figure 3: A dashboard with green and red data products, grouped by
domain, with the ability to drill down and view the failed fitness tests

Publicly sharing these dashboards within the organization
can serve as a powerful incentive for the teams to adhere to the
governance standards. After all, no one wants to be the team with the
most red marks or unfit data products on the dashboard.

Data product consumers can also use this dashboard to make informed
decisions about the data products they want to use. They’d naturally
prefer data products that are fit over those that are not.

Necessary but not sufficient

While these fitness functions are typically run centrally within the
data platform, it remains the responsibility of the data product teams to
ensure their data products pass the fitness tests. It is important to note
that the primary goal of the fitness functions is to ensure adherence to
the basic governance standards. However, this does not absolve the data
product teams from considering the specific requirements of their domain
when building and publishing their data product.

For example, merely ensuring that the access is blocked by default is
not sufficient to guarantee the security of a data product containing
clinical trial data. Such teams may need to implement additional measures,
such as differential privacy techniques, to achieve true data

Having said that, fitness functions are extremely useful. For instance,
in one of our client implementations, we found that over 80% of published
data products failed to pass basic fitness tests when evaluated


We have learnt that fitness functions are an effective tool for
governance in Data Mesh. Given that the term “Data Product” is still often
interpreted according to individual convenience, fitness functions help
enforce governance standards mutually agreed upon by the data product
teams . This, in turn, helps us to build an ecosystem of data products
that are reusable and interoperable.

Having to adhere to the standards set by fitness functions encourages
teams to build data products using the established “paved roads”
provided by the platform, thereby simplifying the maintenance and
evolution of these data products. Publishing results of fitness functions
on internal dashboards enhances the perception of data quality and helps
build confidence and trust among data product consumers.

We encourage you to adopt the fitness functions for data products
described in this article as part of your Data Mesh journey.

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