Selena Gomez celebrated her 30th birthday off social media, having a birthday party with friends, including longtime close pal Taylor Swift. But days after the festivities, Gomez popped on Instagram to share the first in-depth look at life in her thirties, and how she celebrated the new decade’s arrival.
“Have had a moment to catch up,” Gomez wrote, sharing portraits of herself taken by the Collective You at her party. “Though there are so many words to say I’ll simply leave it at this. My twenties were a journey through good, hard and beautiful moments that I will never forget. Each of them has shaped me into the person that I am today. I am someone who is still learning, but is more certain about what matters and what she wants. Someone who is grateful for every single gift and every single lesson along the way. I am walking forward encouraged by so many strong, empowering people around me.. I want to try my best to take the beautiful and the painful one day at a time and let it all make me into the very best me that I can be for myself/others/you. After a few days of celebrating, my heart feels full, grateful and I can say that I’m starting to really like 30. Thank you SO much for being a part of my life, here’s to another decade! Love you all inside and out so much it hurts!”
Gomez also shared photos of her dressed in a stunning sheer off-the-shoulder Versace dress at her party, thanking her glam team in the caption.
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