When it comes to chores, cleaning the shower falls among the ranks of scrubbing the toilet for most people. Yet, it’s a necessary task.
Failure to routinely clean a shower leads to the build-up of stubborn soap scum, mildew, and, eventually, mold. With this viral shower cleaning hack and some basic household ingredients, you can keep your shower squeaky clean, and mold-free with minimal effort.
Number One Shower Cleaning Hack
Keep your showers clean by giving them a light scrub at least twice a week. You can do this while in the shower, thanks to the convenience of a dish-scrubbing brush. Here’s what to do:
- Purchase a refillable dish scrubbing brush with a handle
- Fill the brush with half white distilled vinegar and half water, leaving a little room at the top
- Add one tablespoon of Dawn dish soap
- Mix to combine
A couple of times per week, use this brush to scrub down your shower walls. (Do it while you shower to save time and effort.) Then, rinse the shower with water.
If you don’t have a scrub brush, add this mixture to a spray bottle and use it on an already clean shower as a method for preventing soap scum and mildew build-up. Simply spray the shower, let the solution sit for a few minutes, and then rinse off—no scrubbing required.
We recommend using this DIY cleaner on fiberglass showers and sealed tile showers. The vinegar in the solution may be too acidic for unsealed grout or natural stone surrounds.
Give the Solution a Boost for Major Build-Up
When you need to tackle major soap scum build-up, spray the solution on the problem area and then use a Magic Eraser or melamine sponge to scrub. Try this for problem areas on your shower surround and glass shower door.