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25 Tips That Will Work In 2022


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Are you looking for insider tips to increase Twitter followers? You’re in the right place.

Have you ever wondered what’s the #1 quickest way to use Twitter to grow your blog’s traffic is to get more followers?

Unless you are Justin Bieber or Elon Musk, you can’t attract millions of followers automatically. You need to follow “specific strategies” which you’re going to discover in this post.

But… let’s first discuss some of the Twitter statistics for 2022.

Quick List of Twitter Statistics 2022:

  • Monthly active users: Over 400 million
  • Users who access Twitter daily: Over 200 million
  • Employees around the world: Around 7500
  • Who uses Twitter the most: 25-34 age group
  • CEO of Twitter: Parag Agrawal
  • Founders of Twitter: Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone, Evan Williams, and Noah Glass

By seeing the information above, you can easily say Twitter has massive active users and if used right, it can send you a TON of visitors to websites.

So how are you gonna get more followers quickly? Here are the top 25 secret tips to increase Twitter followers really quickly.

How to Increase Twitter Followers Quickly? 25 PROVEN Tips

increase twitter followers

1. Follow Twitter Influencers First

The #1 reason to put this no.1 in the list is that it works like a charm. Make a list of all the Twitter influencers in your industry and follow every one of them.

You may ask, they are not going to follow me even if I follow, so what’s the use?

Yes, we know that most of the influencers don’t follow you back, especially when you have zero online reputation. If they already know you, they might follow you back but the chances are low.

So what’s the purpose of following influencers in your industry?

Here are a few of the amazing benefits of following Twitter influencers.

  • There are thousands of people who actively look for influencers to follow. They also follow their followers simply to increase their own following count. So if you are following an influential blogger in your niche, you will have a high chance of getting more followers.
  • People use Twitter automation tools like ManageFlitter, Tweepy, etc to find and follow influencers’ followers. This is another great way you can automatically get followers by following top bloggers in your niche.
  • The people who are already following the influencers might follow you if you engage with the influencers frequently by retweeting their stuff or commenting on their links.

Takeaway: Make sure to create a list of 50 to 100 Twitter influencers in your niche. Follow them all within a day. Within a week, you will start noticing the growth in your Twitter followers.

The best times to post on Twitter are Wednesday at 9 AM and Friday at 9 AM (according to Sprout Social).

best time for twitter

2. Use Twitter Bio Hack

Use hashtags related to your industry within your Twitter bio.

For instance, if you are a fitness freak, use hashtags like #fitness, #yoga, #fitnessfreak, etc in your Twitter bio. And also make sure to use the words like “Follow me and I’ll follow you back”.

Here’s an example for the hashtag “followback” on Twitter.

Increase Twitter Followers: Top 25 Secret Tips That Really Work in 2022

See that? You’ll find plenty of profiles that follow back.

If you are a beginner to Twitter, just by using this Twitter bio hack, you can quickly increase your followers.

Takeaway: There are thousands of people who actively search for those “follow me and follow you back” users. So by using those phrases in your Twitter bio, you will attract a ton of people. By using the relevant hashtags in your bio, you can attract “relevant Twitter followers”.

Most people on Twitter read others’ bio. If your Twitter bio is generic, no one is going to click on the links you share.

Make sure your Twitter bio is really catchy and link back to your website home page and let others know how you can help. For instance, if you’re a marketer, you could write interesting Twitter bio something like;

Who else wants to turn traffic into sales? My name is XYZ and I’m here to help you do the same. Interested in knowing more? [Insert your website URL or URL to a specific post].

See, how does the above Twitter bio sound?

It’s not only catchy, but it’s telling others that you’re an expert in solving a problem in your niche. Try to replicate the same on your Twitter bio to get more clicks to your websites from Twitter.

3. Use Tools like Tweepi and Buffer

Did you know that you can rapidly increase your followers by following more people? 

Instead of sitting down in front of your computer and expecting someone to follow you on Twitter, why not start following others?

If you are eager to increase your Twitter following, here’s my tip. Follow more people. And here’s how to do that without violating Twitter rules.

What do you need?

  • Tweepi (a free tool to manage your Twitter account to follow and unfollow)
  • Buffer (free tool to schedule your tweets in advance)

Go and sign up for the above tools by logging into your Twitter account. Once you’re done with it, here’s what you need to do.

Step 1: Log into the Tweepi account

Step 2: Find @username followers (enter a Twitter name of an influencer in your niche) and start following their followers.

Here’s what it looks like;

Increase Twitter Followers: Top 25 Secret Tips That Really Work in 2022

Step 3: Rinse and repeat

Make sure to follow 100 to 200 people every day. At least 15 to 20 people follow you back. Over the course of 15 days, you will get at least 300 to 400 new followers on Twitter.

Once you follow 2,000 people on Twitter, it won’t allow you to follow anymore. According to Twitter rules, you can only follow 10% more followers after reaching the 2000 limit. It means you can follow 3300 people if you have 3000 followers.

Note 2: Make sure to unfollow people who don’t follow you back after a week or so. Once you have enough followers, you can follow more people to increase your followers. You can use the same tool Tweepi to unfollow people who don’t follow you back.

Tweepi: We have used Tweepi, it is one of the amazing Twitter tools used by over 1 million users to increase their Twitter followers. They also have a free version so you can simply create a free account with Tweepi using your Twitter id. Simply start following relevant people in your industry by using their search function and you can also unfollow those who don’t follow you back on Twitter.

Takeaway: The above Twitter tool is free and really effective. Even if you are a beginner, you can use this tool to follow more people to increase your own followers quickly.

4. Use Buffer to Post Amazing Tweets

Increasing your followers is NOT easy especially when you don’t have much online reputation. The simplest way to increase your Twitter following is to post amazing tweets.

If people notice that you are posting great tweets, they will start following you. Don’t be self-promotional. Try to spend time finding the epic content in your industry and tweet about it often.

Another great thing about Buffer is that it lets you schedule your tweets in advance. Have a look;

buffer twitter

Buffer is a freemium platform to find and tweet quality stuff. Just create a free account, add your Twitter profile and you can schedule tweets in advance so the tool automatically sends tweets at the optimized times so you can get a wider reach.

Using Buffer to get more followers on Twitter

Posting great content on Twitter is the KEY to increasing quality followers on Twitter.

Without sharing quality tweets, you simply don’t get natural Twitter followers for free. You always need to find a way to organically increase your followers and that can only be done by sharing great content.

One of the best ways to share great tweets is to use Buffer.

Buffer is a fantastic tool to schedule your tweets in advance. Moreover, this is a free tool that allows you to schedule 10 tweets in advance. You can also use different times to post on Twitter to increase your tweets and interactions.

The best thing about Buffer is you can also schedule your posts on Facebook, LinkedIn, etc also along with Twitter. You can upgrade at any time by just paying $5 per month to schedule up to 10 posts at once. That’s a great deal if you want to plan a bulk of posts at one go.

Takeaway: Tools like Buffer are essential to find and tweet quality links. Almost every top Twitter influencer uses Buffer to increase their Twitter engagement and followers.

Learn: When is the best time to post on Twitter?

5. Follow Others Until You Reach 5000 Twitter Followers Limit

Not so long ago, Twitter used to block those users who have hit the limit of following 2000 users. Unless they have a good follow-to-follow ratio, they used to block the people to follow more people.

But recently, Twitter had increased the follow limit from 2000 to 5000 accounts. That means, now you can follow up to 5000 users on Twitter without any follow limits.

twitter follow limits

But once you reach 5000 accounts, you can follow more people on Twitter unless and until your ratio of followers is good enough (typically if you can get at least 2000 people to follow you before you reach the limit of 5000 accounts, you can follow any number of people).

Start Following More People

This is quite basic but really works. You need to follow some targeted Twitter users in BULK, If you follow people, there is every chance they will follow you back. As far as my experience with the method is concerned, we received 25 to 30%, new followers, compared to the number of people we actually start following.

Suppose if you start following 100 targeted users, you may end up getting 25-30 new followers. We need to unfollow those Twitter users who are not following us back. We need to run this process on several occasions to take overall followers based on four figures.

How to unfollow people if they don’t follow you back?

Wait for 5 to 7 days after following people. If they don’t follow you back, you can unfollow them by using Tweepi. It’s a free tool that helps you unfollow people on Twitter without any hassle.

Takeaway: You can only follow 1,000 users per day so don’t rush. As a rule of thumb, follow 100 to 200 people a day, and make sure to clean up those followers who don’t follow you back once or twice a month.

6. Use Tweetable Quotes Within Your Blog Posts

One of the simplest tips most bloggers use to grow their followers rapidly is they embedded Twitter quotes within their posts.

You can use free WordPress plugins like Social Warfare, Better Click To Tweet, etc to add tweetable quotes to your blog posts. Just install any one of the plugins mentioned above and you can make any part of your blog post content tweetable.

So your blog readers can easily tweet your tweetable quotes giving you more retweets, engagement, and followers on Twitter. Here’s what it looks like.


Takeaway: Almost every top blogger and top Twitter influencer are using embedded tweetable quotes within their content to get more engagement and wider reach on Twitter. If you want the same, use tweetable quotes within your posts.

7. Be Patient

Have you joined Twitter just a month ago and thought that you can get 1000 followers by next month? Well, you are thinking WRONG.

Don’t rush things. As we mentioned earlier, you can get Twitter followers quickly by following more people.

But that doesn’t mean you should follow a bulk number of people every single day to boost your followers. Be patient. Start small.

Follow influencers first. Engage with them. That alone can help you grow your Twitter followers. Then, tweet daily with interesting links. Use hashtags and follow people every day. In no time, you will get your first 1000 Twitter followers.

Takeaway: Once you get your first 1k followers, it’s easier to get more people as most people see that you have a good Twitter reputation. So be patient until you get your first 1000 followers.

8. Optimize Your Twitter Profile

Your Twitter user id is what makes or breaks your Twitter success. If it is vague, no one likes to spend on your Twitter profiles more than a second. So make sure to create a captivating Twitter header image (preferably with 1500 x 1500 size so it fits perfectly) by using your website links.

Also, use your own picture so others will know that you are not a random Twitter person or spam account.

Pick A Great Twitter Profile Name

You should select the name associated with you or your business website that you will be using as your Twitter profile URL. You should use only relevant names for your Twitter Profile. As for this blog, we had a Twitter Profile URL set as bloggerspassion. You can access our Twitter profile here.

Here’s what it looks like;

anil twitter

One of the best reasons to use your business name as your Twitter profile name is because Twitter pages tend to often rank well in the search engine results.

Thus, whenever someone searches about your business or brand, they will be able to access your Twitter account. If you are actively spending with other users on Twitter, your readers or customers find your Twitter profile valuable and engaging. So select a Twitter profile name that is related to your business.

Mention All Details Related to Your Account

Please write down all details required to make your Twitter profile page perfect like your name, Location, Website, and Bio. And if you can add a custom background for your Twitter profile, that will be more beneficial. People would love to follow those people only whom they are interested in. With a blank profile URL, no one will be able to know about you or your business website. If you are able to make an appealing About ME section, the chances of people following you will be huge.

Take care of your profile picture

We suggest you use your own image or your website logo on your Twitter profile. That would make your Twitter profile more genuine and real. We have noticed lots of Twitter adding random images to their Twitter profiles. The presence of such images will just annoy those people who visit your profile pages on Twitter.

Takeaway: Use your Twitter picture with the size of 400 x 400 (height and width) and your header image with the size of 1500 x 500 (height and width) to show perfectly on your Twitter profile.

9. Use Images While Tweeting

We have all heard the phrase “an image is worth a thousand words”.

It’s true even when it comes to quickly increase Twitter followers. Did you know that tweets that include images within them get more retweets, likes, comments, and engagement from other users?

Yes, tweets that include images usually get a ton of engagement. According to a study, tweets that include images within them get more than 150% engagement than those tweets without images. People like tweets with images. So make sure to use images while tweeting.


Takeaway: Use Twitter’s image upload feature while tweeting. Add a compelling image. You can use free tools like Pablo from Buffer or Canva to create royalty-free images to boost your engagement and followers.

10. Create a Twitter Follower Increase Strategy

Having a solid Twitter follower increase strategy can help you quickly boost your Twitter followers. Here are a few of the effective things you can do to quickly increase your followers.

  • Guest posts: While writing guest posts, use links to your Twitter profile from your guest post author bio section. It gives huge visibility and if others like your guest post content, they might follow you instantly.
  • Use your own blog: Make sure to add a Twitter follower button on your homepage to persuade your website visitors to follow you on Twitter. You can also use your own freebie (eBooks, video, etc) to mention your Twitter profile ids.
  • Use other social media sites: If you have a good number of followers on Facebook, and Instagram, make sure to create posts that help people to easily find and follow you on Twitter. Ask them to follow you on Twitter and most of them will follow if you have great fan engagement already.

Takeaway: Use your existing networks online to increase your followers quickly. All you need to do is just ask people to follow you on Twitter.

11. Running Contests to Increase Followers

This is by far the easiest and most fun way to increase your followers, run a contest.

You don’t have to invest hundreds of dollars to run content to increase your followers. You can either give away something for free (written eBooks, any theme or plugin, etc) to run the contests. Or you can also find different advertisers who can sponsor your contests, all you have to do is to search for the competitor blogs and find their relevant advertisers.

Here’s an example of a giveaway on Twitter;

twitter contests

We have seen lots of people using contests to get desired actions from their website readers like increasing their RSS Feed subscribers, increasing their fan base on Twitter, increasing more content on their blogs in the form of guest posts, etc. We can use the same thing to increase our Twitter followers.

We can create some contests to increase our followers’ base on Twitter. We need to offer exciting gifts to the contest winners so that lots of people get excited to participate in the contest. We can think of promoting our contests through our websites, blogs, and social networks, we are active to make the contest a real success and getting desired results from it.

You can expect some quick and targeted followers through contests for your Twitter profile page. Apart from creating your own contests, you should start participating in other contests created around Twitter promotions.

12. Ask for retweets

Asking for retweets is the fastest way to increase Twitter followers. You may ask how. If someone’s retweeting your tweets means, your tweets will get extra exposure to a new audience and if they find tweets really useful or entertaining, they will most probably follow you back.

So how to can ask for retweets?

Include hashtags like #retweet or #rt at the beginning or end of your tweets if you want to encourage more people to retweet your stuff.

Another Twitter hack to get more retweets is to find the people who retweet most often.

You can also follow those people who retweet often and retweet their tweets to encourage them to retweet your tweets too.

13. Try Twitter chats

Did you know that you can increase followers by participating in Twitter chats?

Usually, Twitter chats can be considered as a group conversation that talks about a similar topic which can be either done once a week (followed by chatting throughout the week about the same topic).

If you’re a blogger and want to participate in Twitter chats, here are a few you can use;

  • #blogchat
  • #vlogchat
  • #SEOchat
  • #fitblog
  • #blogtrends
  • #socialchat and so on

How can you actually find relevant Twitter chats to follow and participate in?

The best way is to search for various search terms on Twitter that are relevant to your industry. For example, if you’re into the fitness industry, you can use search terms like “fitness chat” to find all the top conversations and tweets so you can participate immediately.

14. Use relevant keywords within tweets

Keyword research is a method of finding keyword phrases that your target audience is actually searching on Twitter. Usually, keyword research is a tactic used in SEO (search engine optimization) to find relevant keywords to generate more search traffic but you can also use the same technique to get more Twitter followers easily.

Here’s an example of one of our tweets where we included relevant keywords within tweets;

twitter tags

So how can you find and use relevant keywords within tweets?

You can use tools like Semrush: Semrush is one of the widely used tools which is used by nearly 10 million people worldwide mainly for finding keywords so if you want to grow your Twitter following, make sure to use it for finding relevant keywords to use within your tweets.

Try Semrush for FREE

Keep an eye on what keywords your competitors are tweeting: As we said earlier connecting with influencers on Twitter has so many benefits which include finding and analyzing what keywords they are actually using to get more retweets, likes, and comments.

15. Tweet at the right times

Have you ever wondered why your tweets are not getting any exposure even if you have a decent following (let’s say 500+ followers on Twitter)?

The thing is, you’re not tweeting at the right times.

Did you ever ask yourself these questions?

  • How do I make my tweets stand out?
  • How often should I tweet and when should I post on Twitter for the most exposure, retweets, and follows?

By finding answers to the above questions, you can easily find the best times to tweet to get more exposure, retweets, and comments.

So what are the best times to post on Twitter?

According to HubSpot, here are some of the best times to post on Twitter. Have a look at the following infographic once to find out the best times to tweet.

Increase Twitter Followers: Top 25 Secret Tips That Really Work in 2022

If you look at the above illustration, you’ll understand that;

  • The best times to tweet average around 6 to 9 PM

16. Become an influencer

The less known tactic to grow Twitter followers is to become an influencer on Twitter. People follow influencers.

neil twitter

If you already have 100,000 followers, it’s easy to reach 1 million followers than getting your first 100,000 followers starting from zero. That’s the power of influence.

If you’re looking for proven ways to become an influencer on Twitter, here are a few tips you can use to grow your Twitter following in 2022 and beyond.

Always be resourceful: This is the #1 tip to becoming a Twitter influencer. You should always be adding value to your community. Find out what your target audience wants and make sure to provide better information by tweeting. Don’t be self-promotional and start tweeting others’ stuff whenever you find something useful.

Respond to people who reply to your tweets: This is a minimum Twitter etiquette. If someone replied to your tweets or mentioned you or retweeted your stuff, make sure to thank them. Respond to all of the retweets and comments. That way people will be more engaged to start a conversation with you on Twitter.

Tweet quotes: Yes, tweet inspirational quotes that are relevant to your target audience. People love quotes. They retweet, comment, and favorite them. So why not tweet a quote every single day?

Tweet to 10 people every day: No matter how busy you are, take out some time to send messages or tweets to 10 people every day. That way you can build a momentum that will only grow in the long run.

Follow the 40/50/10 percent rule: This means 40% of your tweets should be content you created (call it self-promotional), 50% of your tweets should be curated content and the remaining 10% of your tweets can be promotional. This is the less known technique used by Twitter pro users to get more followers on Twitter.

You need to find and connect with Twitter influencers to get more Twitter followers rapidly. Influence marketing is the new way of increasing your online reach and increasing your brand awareness.

Finding influencers in your niche and directly getting in touch with them is the simplest way to boost your online visibility.

You can use tools InkyBee, Followerwonk, etc to find influencers on Twitter to connect.

And make sure to retweet and comment on their tweets often. Once they reply to you, a connection is made between you and your influencer blogger on Twitter. Then, you can slowly start getting in touch with him through emails or blogs to strengthen your relationships. So, Twitter interactions help you build a quick rapport with the most influencers in your industry.

Use Tweet Adder to quickly increase your Twitter following. Tweet Adder is the ultimate Twitter marketing tool which will help you gain targeted followers on Twitter quickly.

17. Start tagging others within your tweets

Twitter gives you another powerful feature called “tagging” where you can tag other people on Twitter by using @ followed by their usernames. That way, they will get notified whenever you mention them in your tweets.

Here’s an example;

twitter mention

Here’s how you can use tagging on Twitter to your advantage to grow followers in 2022 and beyond.

  • Whenever you are sharing information from other blogs, make sure to find the author’s name so you can tweet and tag them along with their username. By giving credits to the person, you’re not only connecting with them personally but also with their followers.
  • Make sure to say nice things about people while tagging instead of just tweeting the same headline. That way you’ll be more likely to get a response or even a follow-back from the fellow tweeps.
  • If someone has tagged you, make sure to reply back to them saying thanks or retweet what they said. This is the smartest tactic used by most Twitter influencers.

18. Social Media Integration

You should integrate your Twitter profile on all major social media websites on which we are active (including Facebook, StumbleUpon, Friendfeed, Digg, Delicious, etc). When you do so, more people will be able to know about your Twitter profile and there is every chance they will start following you on Twitter.

You can use your website’s sidebar or footer section to let people easily follow you on Twitter. You can also ask people to follow you on Twitter from your about page.

Remember that, your about page is commonly the most visited page on your websites, so get the most out of it.

19. Keep an eye on Your Competitors

You should keep an eye on top Twitter in your industry and how they are running their Twitter account. You should try to replicate their successful ideas on your own Twitter profile. When certain things are working for your competitors’ websites, there is every chance, they will work for you as well.

First, come up with 10 competitors in your industry, be it active users or the most influential people on Twitter, then figure out the following things to increase Twitter followers

  • analyze how many followers they have
  • analyze how many tweets they send every day
  • do they respond to their competitors
  • how does their Twitter profile look like
  • do they share personal stories etc?

This way you will get a clear idea of what to do on Twitter to increase your followers easily.

20. Use Follow Me Buttons and Links

follow me button

You should start showing an icon or button for your presence on Twitter on your website or blog sidebars and in the header sections. This will help your website readers find your Twitter profile and there are chances they will start following you on Twitter if they like your website content and they have an active account on Twitter.

Apart from this, we used to motivate people to start following us on Twitter if we had some content coming on my blog around Twitter promotions. It’s also a good idea to include Twitter Follow link or icons towards the end of each blog post or article on your website as one of the action elements with other action elements like Subscribing to an RSS feed and Like a Facebook Fan Page etc.

21. Don’t Be Self Promotional

If you want to increase your Twitter followers, don’t self-promote. You have to spend time promoting others’ stuff as well. Then and only then people will start noticing that you share amazing stuff on your Twitter profile and that gives them a strong reason to follow you.

We have noticed lots of guys sharing their own stories only on their social media accounts including Twitter. But that should not be the case. Social media websites are created for sharing interesting stuff. So we need to be more social while working on these websites. When we send a tweet or Retweet for someone else story, they will start re-tweeting our stories. In this whole process, some Twitter users might like to start following you.

We have noticed even a single tweet on any of our stories from popular Twitter user-carrying thousands of followers can help us get lots of tweets on our story. We may end up getting 50 or even 100 plus tweets on our stories. So we should be promoting interesting stories from other website owners and bloggers as well on your Twitter accounts.

22. Write EPIC Tweets

Want to get more eyeballs on your tweets? Then include humor, add some personal touch, and ask them to retweet your stuff. It will definitely work to increase followers because whenever someone retweets, your tweets get reached out to more and more people. Hence you will have more chances to boost your Twitter followers.


You should be maintaining good tweets on your profile page on Twitter. If you are sharing just links, you are leaving the impression of a spammer or robot to people who visit your profile page. You should minimize links in your tweets and start writing valuable tweets, which would be liked by your existing and future followers.

Sharing Interesting Tweets

Apart from writing good tweets around your niche, you should start creating some tweets about like what you are doing, your thoughts about certain things, and latest happenings around you, or the latest update about the things you are most passionate about. Such kind of tweets will give a personal touch to your Twitter account and allows your followers to know more about you, your interests, and your thoughts in person.

23. Use hashtags like a PRO

Want to get more retweets and increase your interaction on Twitter with every post share?

Then start using hashtags.

A hashtag not only instantly increases your post reach but also helps you reach anyone who is interested in the hashtag keywords you use. To use a hashtag on Twitter, just use # before the keyword. For example: #TwitterTips

Most beginners to Twitter don’t use hashtags at all. Many studies say that using 2 to 3 hashtags on every post you share increases the number of retweets and favorites. For instance, if you are sharing a tweet something like; 10 Benefits of Blogging on WordPress, you could use hashtags like #WordPress, #Blogging, etc.

Note: Don’t use more than 3 hashtags on a tweet or you will end up making your tweets look like spam. Start using 2 hashtags on every tweet you share.

24. Track your Twitter analytics to analyze

Always track your Twitter analytics and data to see what’s working and what’s not.

By default for all Twitter users, Twitter provides you analytics which you can access for free from here. You’ll get all the information like;

  • 28 days summary: It gives you the summary of the last 4 weeks’ performance of your Twitter handle.
  • No. of tweets: The number of times you’ve tweeted within the past 28 days
  • Tweet impressions: The number of people who actually saw your tweets within the past 28 days
  • Profile visits: The number of people who visited your Twitter profile within the past 28 days
  • Mentions: The number of people who mentioned you using @ hashtag within the past 28 days
  • Followers: The number of people who followed you on Twitter

Twitter analytics also shows you if there are any ups or downs in your number of followers, Twitter reaches, etc. In case you’re wondering what Twitter analytics looks like, check out it below.

twitter analytics

You should be able to access official Twitter analytics in the following scenarios:

Account primarily tweets in Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, Dutch, English, Filipino, Finnish, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Traditional Chinese, and Turkish

  • Your Twitter account should be at least 14 days old
  • Your Twitter account should not violate any Twitter policies and make sure your Twitter account is not deleted, restricted, protected, or suspended

Apart from Twitter analytics from the official Twitter account, you can also use social media management dashboard tools like Buffer which provides you awesome analytics and scheduling tools to publish your tweets.

Here are a few amazing benefits of using Buffer:

  • You can schedule your tweets in advance and you can also start experimenting with custom schedules on Twitter that can help you increase your tweet reach and attract more clicks
  • If you’re reading an article and found it really useful, you can tweet it in seconds with the Buffer browser extension
  • You can use Buffer Analytics to identify your best-performing tweets so you can reuse them or reschedule them again to increase your reach
  • Most social media tools don’t support anything other than the images or simple tweets whereas Buffer easily handles video and GIF uploads along with images
  • Not only Twitter, but you can also use the Buffer app to schedule your posts across all the social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and so on

25. Collaborate with other people

So how do you find other Twitter users who have some influence in your industry? Here are a few proven ways to find and collaborate with other people on Twitter.

Find tweeps to collaborate: Write a list of 20 to 30 hashtags that are either within your niche or your ideal audience is using. Search through these tags on Twitter and have a look at all the Twitter users within the “Top” section so you can find who to follow from each of those hashtags.

Get your first 1000 Twitter followers: Before you even think about collaborating with someone on Twitter, it’s important for you to get at least 1000 followers. Buy, bulk follow others, use tools, tweet often, and do everything you can do to get your first 1000 followers. Then, start reaching out to other people who have more than 1000 followers to collaborate.

Find and collaborate with small influencers: There’s no way you can collaborate with Twitter celebrities who have over 100,000 followers especially if you’ve fewer followers. So the best thing you can do to increase followers is to collaborate with small influencers who have less than 10k followers.

Incentivize: The best way to encourage others to collaborate and grow your Twitter following is to incentivize in one or another way. Offer your premium products, pay money, gift something, or buy their products. All these things work like a charm. Everyone wants to give back!

FAQs on How to Grow on Twitter in 2022

Here are some of the most important questions you might have on increasing your Twitter followers really quickly even if you’re a beginner.

How do you get a verified account on Twitter?

If you’re a celebrity or an influencer, you can get your account verified on Twitter really easily. Here are a few simple steps to get a verified account on Twitter.

→ Fill out your profile completely with profile picture, cover photo, name, and bio and if you have a website, use your website URL too
→ Add a verified phone number and confirm your email address so you’ll get a verification email from Twitter
→ Add your birthday (if you want to show up on Twitter)
→ Set your tweets as “public” (if you want to get your profile verified on Twitter)
→ Visit the verification form on Twitter and fill out all the details

Is it possible to know if someone viewed your profile on Twitter?

No, as of now Twitter doesn’t provide you who views your profile but you can get access to analytics from your Twitter account to see your tweet engagement, profile views, number of followers, who’s following, and so on

Can I edit a Tweet once I’ve posted it?

No, you can’t edit your tweets once you have posted them on Twitter but you can delete your tweets whenever you want. 

Who reads all my tweets?

If your Twitter handle is set to private, only your followers can read your tweets. If your Twitter handle is public (which is by default public), anyone who visits your profile can read your tweets including your followers.

How can I deactivate my Twitter account?

Here’s how you can deactivate your Twitter account.

→ Click on Settings and privacy from the drop-down menu under your profile icon
→ From the Account tab and click on Deactivate your account at the bottom of the page
→ Read the account deactivation information and then click Deactivate @username
→ Enter your password when prompted and confirm that you want to proceed by clicking the “Deactivate account button”

How can I engage with my Twitter followers?

One of the best ways to increase your engagement on Twitter is to regularly post helpful/witty tweets, participate in Twitter chats and reply to tweets from accounts you follow.

Twitter definitions you should know

Tweet: A tweet can be anything that you share on Twitter. It can be a quote, dialogue, random text, and anything.

Retweet: A Tweet that you forward to your followers is known as a Retweet. Retweets always retain original attribution which means you’re sharing someone else’s tweets or information.

@Username or Twitter Handle: A username is how you’re identified on Twitter and it is always preceded immediately by the @ symbol. For instance, Bloggers Passion username is @BloggersPassion.

Hashtag: A hashtag is any word or phrase immediately preceded by the # symbol. When you click or tap on a hashtag, you’ll see other Tweets containing the same keyword or topic.

Mention: Mentioning other accounts in your Tweet by including the @ sign followed directly by their username is called a “mention”.

DM: DM also known as Direct Messages are private messages sent from one Twitter account to another account.

Pinned Tweets: You can pin one of your Tweets to the top of your profile page to keep it above the flow of time-ordered Tweets.

Protected Tweets: Tweets are public by default. Choosing to protect your Tweets means that your Tweets will only be seen by your followers.

Twitter trends: A Trend is a topic or hashtag determined algorithmically to be one of the most popular on Twitter at that moment. You can choose to tailor Trends based on your location and who you follow.

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Final Thoughts On How to Increase Your Twitter Followers Quickly

Although Twitter is a micro-blogging platform it has come a long way and everyone in the world is using it for communication (from Justin Bieber to Narendra Modi). So growing your Twitter following is the fastest way to boost your online presence, increase your reach and become an influencer online.

We’ve been using almost the same tactics mentioned in this article to increase our Twitter followers quickly. So what are your thoughts? Do you have more tips to grow Twitter followers quickly? Have any questions? Let us know in the comments.

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