Sunday, October 20, 2024

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HomeHome & Kitchen6 Outdated Front Yard Trends and New Ideas to Try

6 Outdated Front Yard Trends and New Ideas to Try


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In the ever-changing world of home design and landscaping, front yards frequently serve as the first canvas on which homeowners can express their aesthetic preferences. But just like every area of the home, the front yard can begin to look dated. Some front yards can benefit from a refresh, realigning them with contemporary ideas.

Taking a fresh look at your front yard can also help you reimagine its purpose, freeing up more space for play and entertainment. This examination of outdated front yard trends and new ideas may provide you with a new perspective on this essential space.

Trends in the Front Yard that Are Outdated

Outdated front yard ideas can vary based on changing trends and evolving preferences. Trends are a moving target, and keeping up with them is not always easy or worthwhile. However, if you want to design a new front yard space from scratch, you must first understand the most popular styles in contemporary landscape design.

Excessive Lawn Space

Excessive Lawn SpaceExcessive Lawn Space
Hughes Landscaping

Large grass lawns were once a staple of traditional landscaping. These yards required extensive and costly maintenance to remain immaculate. Excessive lawn spaces with large areas of grass are becoming less popular for a variety of reasons. First, the amount of water that these large lawns require, particularly in areas where water is scarce, has prompted a desire to develop more sustainable yard practices. Next, these lawns necessitate extensive use of fertilizers and pesticides, many of which are harmful to the environment. These lawns also require a level of care that is out of sync with modern family life.

Contemporary yard ideas emphasize low-maintenance, diverse designs. These designs may include elements such as native plants, hardscaping, and alternative ground covers. This shift reflects a growing recognition that front yards should be both environmentally responsible and functional for the modern homeowner.

Overuse of Monoculture Plants

Overuse of Monoculture PlantsOveruse of Monoculture Plants
BE Landscape Design

Monoculture landscaping, which involves planting large areas with a single plant, was once favored for its simplicity and uniform appearance. This trend is now seen as aesthetically limiting and ecologically unsound. One of the primary drawbacks of this approach is its vulnerability to the same diseases and pests. Using the same plant can facilitate the easy spread of these and decimate the entire population. This look also lacks the visual interest and complexity that make for an interesting landscape.

In updated yard ideas, there is a growing preference for mixed plantings that include a variety of species. This creates a more interesting and ecologically resilient front yard space.

Overbearing Hedges

Overbearing HedgesOverbearing Hedges
Andover Landscape Design & Construction

Overbearing hedges, defined by density, height, or a lack of maintenance, are being reconsidered due to their negative impact on aesthetics, biodiversity, and neighborly relationships. These closed-off hedges can create an unwelcoming atmosphere while also blocking views and light in your home.

Low and diverse shrub varieties are a more suitable and modern alternative to large hedges. You can use ornamental grasses, which are tall enough to provide privacy but are more open and require less maintenance than traditional hedges. Other options include native, low-flowering plants or neatly trimmed miniature shrubs that add a variety of textures and colors to your yard. Using a variety of tall, mid-sized, and low plants will help you maintain the balance between privacy and aesthetics.

Excessive Paving or Hardscaping

Excessive Paving or HardscapingExcessive Paving or Hardscaping
Andover Landscape Design & Construction

Excessive paving or hardscaping in the front yard is motivated by the desire to create a low-maintenance space with a clean appearance. While these elements can create functional front yards, they also cause a number of issues, such as heat retention, water run-off, and reduced biodiversity. Because of the materials and style of the hardscape surfaces, these spaces can become outdated faster than traditional landscaping.

A more sustainable design incorporates permeable landscaping materials into the front yard. This can be accomplished with porous concrete, also known as pervious concrete, porous asphalt, or interlocking pavers with grass or stone-filled gaps that allow water to flow through. This helps reduce water runoff and promotes a more sustainable water cycle.

Another option is to add more green elements to the hardscape surface. This could include creating small garden beds, green walls, or incorporating green planters. This approach visually separates the vast expanse of pavement, resulting in a more balanced front yard.

Brick and Paver Borders

Brick and Paver BordersBrick and Paver Borders
Western DuPage Landscaping

Brick and paver borders, which were once the standard way to define a neat and crisp border, have become increasingly out of date for a variety of reasons. One of the reasons is their uniform and predictable appearance, which contributes to a bland or cookie-cutter aesthetic. Brick or paver borders also create a visually dominant or heavy effect that can overwhelm the softer landscape elements.

Natural materials such as stones and boulders can give the border a more organic and less manicured appearance. These elements can even be arranged so that they appear to be part of the natural landscape. Another option is to use low-maintenance ground covers, such as creeping thyme or ornamental grasses, to soften border edges and add greenery. Ultimately, the key is to embrace a design that promotes diversity, sustainability, and more visual appeal.

Overly Formal Front Yard Designs

Overly Formal Front Yard DesignsOverly Formal Front Yard Designs
Heidi’s Lifestyle Gardens

Excessively formal yard designs, characterized by rigid symmetry, strict geometric patterns, or ornate sculptures, are appropriate for palaces and castles but are becoming outdated for everyday residential landscape design. This shift in landscape styles is motivated by a desire for more organic and relaxed spaces that connect the home to the outdoors. Many modern homeowners are also looking for low-maintenance designs that can be tailored to a busy family lifestyle.

Instead of strict, formal landscape designs, contemporary landscaping approaches promote a more eclectic and organic aesthetic. Many modern designs include meandering pathways, a variety of plant species, a smaller section of grass, and naturalist elements such as rock gardens or water features. Using a variety of textures, colors, and plant heights can add depth and interest, making the outdoor experience more approachable and enjoyable.

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