The garage is an often-neglected space that becomes a hub for clutter, cardboard boxes, and outdoor gear. If your garage is so packed you can’t park your car in it or find what you need, a little organization can go a long way.
Decluttering and organizing a garage requires practical solutions, like taking advantage of wall and ceiling space. We’ve made a list of our favorite garage-organizing products available on Amazon. These can help you maximize your garage, and most are budget-friendly.

Get your power tools off your workbench and organize them with this storage rack from Spampur. Its heavy-duty construction can support up to 150 pounds of weight, and it comes in several different customizations, allowing you to choose the number of slots and shelves you prefer.

If your garage floor looks anything like mine, you’ve tripped over an extension cord a time or two. Now, you can easily keep them organized and off the ground with these heavy-duty straps from VelcroBrand. Each strap has a hole at the top so that you can place it over a nail or screw for easy storage.

Pegboard organizers make great additions over garage work benches. They can hold commonly used tools like screwdrivers, wrenches, and pliers, keeping everything in sight and easy to reach. This version from Wall Control comes in 18 color combinations, allowing you to find the perfect shade to match your garage aesthetic.

Rather than leaning brooms, rakes, and shovels up against the garage walls or doors, install this broom holder on the wall. It comes in a two-pack and is available with 3,4, or 5 racks, plus hooks for extra storage.

It’s easy to lose garden tools in an unorganized garage. If you want to be prepared this planting season, keep all essential tools together with this storage rack. It can hold up to 39 large shovels, hoes, rakes, or other garden tools, plus it has hooks on the front to hold small handheld items.

If you’re not into storage racks but want to take advantage of vertical space, install these heavy-duty wall-mount garage hooks. They can hold just about anything, including bikes, ladders, tools, extension cords, shovels, and more.

It’s common to store seasonal items in totes in the garage. However, these totes can take up too much space if the garage is small. One solution is to install a ceiling rack such as this one to store the totes. This one can be lowered and raised via a hand crank or power drill.

Garage wall shelves need to be sturdy enough to hold the weight of power tools and easy to clean. These ones from Fleximounts fit the bill, made of powder-coated steel that can hold up to 800 pounds. They come in a pack of two.

Another convenient way to keep your tote bins off the floor is with a rail system. Storage bins slide on the rails, which hold them snugly in position on the ceiling. You can set up these rails to support any size tote bin. Installation is easy, only requiring four bolts per rail set.

This movable broom and mop holder from QTJH has racks for holding brooms and mops, a plastic basin for catching drips from wet mops, and wheels for easy maneuverability. It would be ideal for sitting beside the house entry door of an attractive garage.

Whether you have a lot of spray paint or other types of 8-ounce aerosol cans in the garage, this rack will keep them organized. It has space to house eight cans of spray paint, plus a top and bottom shelf for extra storage.

Leftover lumber can become a jumbled mess when placed in piles on the garage floors. Fortunately, this wall-mounted lumber rack can keep it organized and easy to reach. Each shelf can hold up to 120 pounds, and the system is customizable based on how much lumber storage you need.